Where can we see the Fox Fairy?

Where can we see the Fox Fairy?


Where can we see the Fox Fairy?

The first place where the Fox Fairy Maiden is orthodoxly worshipped is in the city of Beijing, China. The Fire God Temple in Beijing, located near Chegongzhuang in Xicheng District of Beijing, has a long history and was first built in the Yuan Dynasty, and then rebuilt and expanded many times in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Originally dedicated mainly to the God of Fire, the Fire Temple was an important place for ancient residents to pray for fire safety and avoid fires. The Fire God in the temple was believed to be able to control the power of fire and protect the people from fire.



Over time, other elements of folk beliefs began to be incorporated into the Fire Temple, including the enshrinement of the Fox Fairy Goddess. In Chinese folk beliefs, the Fox Fairy Niangniang is often regarded as a fox spirit with special magical powers that can bring good luck, solve earthly problems, and especially help in love and marriage. In the Fire Temple, the role of the Fox Fairy Maiden is mainly to serve as the guardian deity of love and marriage, helping believers to find the ideal partner and blessing family harmony and marriages.


It is rumored that the Fox Fairy Goddess in the Fire Temple is very spiritual and attracts many devotees who seek marriage and better relationships. Devotees often offer incense at the temple and pray for the protection and help of the Fox Fairy Goddess, hoping that through her divine power they can solve relationship problems or improve the relationship between husband and wife.
In short, the Fire God Temple is not only a place of traditional religious belief, but also a cultural gathering place that integrates a variety of folk beliefs. The Fox Fairy Maiden here, as a special object of faith, demonstrates the respect and reliance on supernatural power in Chinese folk beliefs, and at the same time reflects people's desire and pursuit of a happy life.

Secondly, it is that you can meet the Fox Fairy Maiden here and invite away your own Fox Fairy Maiden. All the fox fairies here are fox fairies that have been enlightened by the Fox Fairy Hall and are linked to the Fox Fairy Maiden. "The white fox is now nine-tailed, and there is auspiciousness in heaven and earth." Inviting the nine-tailed fox, which is your own sacred animal, can gather spiritual energy and mean that your descendants will be prosperous and your clan will flourish. Nine-tailed Fox is the same as the dragon and the phoenix, and it also means to be the king of the country and the emperor, and the prosperity of the country.



The Nine-tailed Fox Fairy is dignified and handsome, and is the guardian spirit of the Queen Mother of the West. It is the perfect embodiment of virtue, benevolence, wisdom and goodness.
Among the many deities in Taoism, the Fox Fairy Niangniang is the protector of Zhang Daoling's ancestor Tianshi in the Eastern Han Dynasty and Zhang Tianshi's successive generations, and has been worshipped as a Taoist deity because of her achievements in promoting the Tao. It is recorded that when the forty-third generation of Zhang Yuchu Tianshi of the Tianshifu Mansion of the Heirloom Han Dynasty was dematerialized, he had left a decree that reads: "For more than a hundred years, the two foxes of Yuntai Mountain have contributed much to our Tao and have become the fruit of immortality. Tianshifu can be molded for its golden body to worship." Forty-four generations of Tianshi Zhang Yuqing obeyed the order and worshiped the Fox Fairy until today.

Worshipping the Fox Fairy Lady can help to increase human relations, increase good karma, attract good fortune, gather wealth, and help couples to reconcile, to prevent peach blossoms, and to maintain family happiness, which can help to promote a happy marriage, promote the luck of noble people, and work smoothly, and achieve everything one desires.


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